Friday, June 20, 2014

40 Prayers for my Husband: His Patience

Patience is a fruit of the spirit. As Christians we are all given this fruit, but often choose to disregard it.

Patience isn't something achieved overnight. Rather it needs to be chosen and cultivated.

A few weeks back I wrote of what a patient wife looks like. You can read it here. Today we pray our husbands will deliberately chose patience and be able to see and understand with an eternal perspective.

"A hot tempered man stirs up dissension,
but a patient man calms a quarrel."
~Proverbs 15:18~

Prayer #20. His Patience

Father, thank You for being a patient God. Thank You that Your mercies are never ending.
I pray You will give my husband a heart that is patient and understanding. One that will bear with others and for others. Convict him to release any impatience, grudges, anger, jealousy or harsh words, so he will not stir up dissension. In its place teach him to be completely humble and gentle, being patient, bearing with others in love. (Eph.4:2)
Your word tells us a man's wisdom gives him great patience and that it is to his glory to overlook an offense. (Pr.19:11) Grant him wisdom and discernment so he will be able to see all situations as opportunities to cultivate patience.
When people get difficult or plans don't hold out as expected, give him an accepting attitude. Help him see that Your will is never wrong and that the testing of his faith will include the testing of his patience. Help him clothe himself with kindness and compassion, (Col.3:12-13) putting others needs before his own.
Father, help him choose patience with his children. When they are tired or difficult, parenting gets tough. Help him be long suffering, realizing they are in need of being heard and loved. Before he speaks harsh words, remind him how You bear with him and are patient with him. Give him Your patient heart toward his children, wife, co-workers, friends, neighbors and all other relations.
Fill him with the knowledge of Your will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. I stand praying that he will live a life worthy of You and may please You in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to Your glorious might so that he will have great endurance and patience. (Col.1:9-11) In Jesus' precious name. Amen.

" warn those who are idle,
encourage the timid,
help the weak,
be patient with everyone."
~1 Thessalonians 5:14~

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