Saturday, June 28, 2014

40 Prayers for my Husband: His Spiritual Leadership

"if it is leadership,
let him lead diligently"
~Romans 12:8~

Leadership is about taking responsibility. >>tweet this<< 

Today I pray for my husband to take responsibility in leading his family in the way of the Lord.

Prayer #28. His Spiritual Leadership

Father, I praise You for the great wisdom You have given my husband through Your word. Teach him to love Your word and then establish it upon my husbands heart and mind, so that he will always be reminded of the way a leader should direct and encourage his family and others. Lead him in the way that is truly life, so that he will be able to lead his children in the same way, lengthening his days and his children's days. (Deut.11:18-21)
Where spiritual leadership was not modeled to him, teach him from Your word. Further, provide other godly role models for him to fashion his life after. Teach him that true leadership is pure and kind, not harsh or demanding. True leadership will not try to 'lord it over' or force his will onto those around him. Whoever wants to become great among people must be a servant or helper to all. We see this in Christ's example, Who came to serve and give his life up for others. (Mark10:42-45)
Father, strengthen my husbands faith so that he can lead diligently. Help him hold on to his courage and hope, so he can continue being a temple for You.(Heb.3:6) Keep him rooted and built up in Christ, overflowing with thankfulness to Him. Teach him to weigh all matters and see to it that no one takes him captive through hollow or deceptive philosophy. Enlighten him so he will know what are the vain, human traditions and principles of the world rather than things and teachings of Christ. (Col.2:6-8)
Father, I pray my husband would stand and lead strong and in the power of Your might. The fear of You, dear Lord, leads to life. Do not let him stray. When he grows slack, pursue hard after him. Do not let him wane in his faith, so that he will always be prepared to do what is right in Your eyes.
It is right in Your eyes for him to impress on his children the words and commands You have spoken and written to us. Do not let him be intimidated by the call You have given him as a parent and spiritual leader of his home to talk about Your words to his children. Rather, give him the courage, ability and ease to talk about them sitting at home, walking along the road, or lying down or getting up. (Deut.6:6-7, 11:18-21) May Your ways and what is edifying to growth be what first comes out of his mouth, training his children in the way they should go, so that when they are old they will not depart from it. (Pr.22:6, Eph.6:4) In Jesus' precious name. Amen.

"The fear of the Lord
leads to life."
~Proverbs 19:23~

Shearing with.....Renewed Daily, Sandra Haska King


  1. I prayed these words for my husband today. Thank you for sharing them.

  2. I'm always happy to be next to you at one of the weekend link-ups. I'm next to you at Still Saturday this week.

    1. Hello, Elizabeth! Thank you for your kind words! I love reading from you! :)
