Tuesday, June 3, 2014

40 Prayers for my Husband: His Work

Today, I pray my husband will find a balance between workaholic-ism (is that a word? Must be because spell correct didn't frown at it! Yay!! A new word! that thrills my writer's heart!) and laziness. Neither are glorifying to God. Both ruin a man.

for the workaholic:

"Do no overwork to be rich;
because of your own understanding,
....For riches certainly make themselves wings;
they fly away like an eagle toward heaven.
~Proverbs 23:4-5~

for the lazy:

"If a man is lazy, the rafters sag;
if his hands are idle, the house leaks."
~Ecclesiastes 10:18~

"The sluggard's craving will be the death of him,
because his hands refuse to work."
~Proverbs 21:25~

Father, bless my husband's work. Help him find the perfect balance between working too hard provide for his family, and not being disciplined enough to take on his responsibility as provider of his home. On one hand, working too hard will result in burn out and neglect of his family, while on the other hand, being lazy will result in the ruin of himself and his family. I pray you will teach him the importance of balance between work and rest. I pray he will make it his ambition to lead a quiet and simple life so that his daily work may win the respect of outsiders. May he work with his own hands so that he will not grow dependant on anybody. (1 Thess. 4:11-12)
Lord, lead him to the work You would have him do. May he bring You into every aspect of his work. Where there is anything not glorifying to You, convict him and then supply him the courage to make the necessary changes. May he commit to you whatever he does, so his plans may succeed. (Pr. 16:3) May he "be strong and courageous, and do the work." May he not be afraid or discouraged, knowing You, the Lord God, are with him. You will not fail or forsake him. (1 Chr.28:20) May he do whatever You have him do with all his heart, as working for Yo and not for man. (Col.3:23)
Give my husband a sense of fulfillment from his work. One that can only come from being in complete submission to Your will. I know so much of who a man is, is tied up in his work. Where he is not in Your will lead Him to better. Help him to see past the dollar signs and rest secure in knowing that what You would have him do will provide over and abundantly beyond what he could ever imagine for his family. Give him peace and clear direction of Your plan for his life's work. "Nothing is better for a man than to enjoy his work, because that is his lot." (Ecc.3:22)
Father, I pray the people You bring into my husbands path through his work, will be of good reputation and report. Guide him away from anyone or anything that could harm his very livelihood. You guide the hearts of kings like a stream, (Pr.21:1) so I know You are capable of steering my husband away from bad business deals. May the people he works with be people of integrity, honesty and right standing with You, Father, always encouraging and strengthening my husbands walk with You.
Help me, also, encourage my husband in whatever You would have him do, not coming in the way of Your will. Give me words that will strengthen his courage to stand for You, saying what he needs to hear when he needs to hear it and not what I think he needs to hear, when I think he needs to hear them. Help me accept his work, knowing You are in control and will not bring us to ruin. You have promised hope and a future for us and our family; to prosper us and not to harm us. (Jer.29:11) I firmly hold on to that promise. May the words I speak affirm what he has already heard from You, always encouraging, never condemning.
Lead him, guide him and direct him, then surround him, encourage him and enable him to do his life's work humbly, willingly and thoroughly. Amen.

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