Wednesday, May 28, 2014

5 Ways to Protect Your Husband's Heart

"The heart of her husband
doth safely trust in her...
she will do him good
and not evil
all the days of her life."
~Proverbs 31:11-12~

Does your husband's heart safely trust in you?

Are you taking measures to ensure he CAN trust in you?

While a husband may WANT his heart to safely trust in his wife, there are times a disconnect happens that is unexplainable to both parties. When this happens, it is time to evaluate our ourselves, seek the Lord and humble ourselves to what He would have us do.

Maybe you feel a disconnect today...maybe just a little bit of irritation that could easily turn to bitterness...or maybe its a gaping hole the size of the Grand Canyon. Whatever your current situation, take the time to consider these 5 ways you can work on protecting your husband's heart:

"The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife,
and likewise the wife to her husband.
The wife does not have authority over her own body,
but yields it to her husband.
In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body,
but yields it to his wife." 
~1 Cor. 7:3-4~

Yes, this is first and foremost on the list, because sex really is that important to a man.  read more here

"She speaks with wisdom, 
and faithful instruction is on her tongue."
~Proverbs 31:26~

It is a wise woman who lets her words be only understanding, encouraging and deferring.

She expresses thanks for his efforts in his leadership, provisions and parenting, no matter how blundering his efforts may be. She compliments on the good he does and extends grace to the rest. read more here

Your husband needs to have confidence that its OK to be human around you. His heart cannot safely trust in you if he is worried you'll demean or degrade his name.

Today evaluate your friendships. Are they upbuilding?

If your dialog with your friends includes talking about what a dunce your husband, or their husband is, it's time to find new friends. read more here

"A gossip betrays a confidence;
so avoid a [wo]man who talks too much."
~Proverbs 13:20~

Dear wife, you may think you won't fall into the trap of degrading or gossiping about your husband. But, far too often we grow to become like the people we hang out with.  read more here

"He who walks with wise grows wise."
~Proverbs 20:19~

A husband's heart cannot safely trust in his wife if she is continually reminding him of his mistakes, ways he hurts her, or things he has said. 

He will never be able to be completely at ease with her, afraid whatever he does will be used against him later. 

The "silent treatment", the "guilt trip", and the "you hurt me so much" look on your face, all comes into play here.

It is crucial to willingly and continually practice forgiveness. Holding on to things your husband has done or said will do 4 things:.... read more here

Dear wife, forgive early. Forgive often. Forgive completely. The grace Christ has extended to you, and extends to you daily...through that, won't you extend the same to your husband? read more here

"A wise woman builds her house,
but with her hands
the foolish one tears hers down."
~Proverbs 14:1~

"How is a house built?" you ask. As always, God's word explains itself.

"By wisdom a house is built,
and through understanding
it is established."
~Proverbs 24:3~

A husbands heart can safely trust in his wife when he knows she is capable and efficient in accomplishing her tasks, guiding the affairs of her household with discretion. He can know his children, his little princes and princesses, are well taken care of. He can know his castle is a safe haven of peace and love.

Be proactive about making your home a sanctuary for your husband. Always be maintaining and improving upon your family and your home. read more here

"The house of the wicked will be destroyed,
but the tent of the upright will flourish."
~Proverbs 14:11~


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Sharing with....Raising Homemakers, A Little R & R, Simply Beth, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Juana Mikels, Winsome Wednesdays, Holley Gerth, Woman to Woman, Living From Glory to Glory, Rachel Rojnarowski, What You Wish Wednesdays, God's Girl, Serving Joyfully, Jenni Mullinix, 3D Lessons for Life, Graced Simplicity, Jennifer Dukes Lee, Thursday Thoughts, Everyday Jesus, Messy Marriage, Essential Thing Devotions, Missional Women, A Look at the Book, My Freshly Brewed Life, Nancherrow, Lisha Epperson, A Proverbs 31 Wife, Moms the Word, What joy is Mine, The Modest Mom, Cornerstone Confessions, Teaching What is Good, The Time-Warp Wife, Renewed Daily, Meredith Bernard

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Saving 4 Six

Creative K Kids 


  1. Kaylene… that is such good advise! Thank you for sharing! :)

  2. Great advice for ALL married women!
    Wouldn't this be a great wedding card? Or at least something for a newly wed to read.

    1. That's a good idea! I might have to print it out for weddings we are attending soon! Thanks for that inspiration, Christine!

  3. You share such good wisdom and what you've been sharing continues to speak to my heart as I go through this love dare series. I especially appreciated #5 as I've had to really work in this area with my husband gone and more on my plate. It's important to me that he knows he can trust me to take care of our home, even if that requires pulling in some help when needed. :) Blessings to you.

    1. Thank you! All glory to Him. The words are His! I didn't even want to start a blog. Thought it was for women who had nothing better to do :) Oh! and the word "blog" made me turn up my nose! Lol Funny how He works & convicts! :)

      You are an inspiration, Beth. I can only imagine the extra responsibilities you have. You are a brave woman. Your husband is a blessed man, for sure! Heart hugs!

  4. I think about these things often, Kaylene (and re-think them when I fall short!) Thanks for sharing this great insight over at #EverydayJesus. Love what you are doing over here!

  5. Hi Kaylene, I'm visiting from Essential Fridays link up. So glad to find another christian UK blogger! Love this post. So to the point and filled with the wisdom and word of God. Looking forward to reading more! Jenny

    1. Hi Jenny! Always good to hear from a new reader! Thank you for stopping by and leaving sweet footprints! Blessings to your weekend!

  6. This is great advice for all married women. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Great advice and a good reminder for us wives. Thanks for sharing. Please come back and link-up next week for WYWW! Love having you.

  8. What a awesome list -- oh, how I want my husband's heart to be protected. #3 is my mantra and I highlighted it when I was mentoring young wives. I never heard my mother criticize my father and I've tried to keep that in my own marriage. The beauty is, I see it in my own children's marriages. Praying God will bless you and you lead others into marriage as God intended.

  9. Hello, I wish women would learn what it is she is doing that is tearing down her house!!
    Building is one thing and we can see the progress, it is the little things that tear it down!
    Blessings, Miss Roxy

  10. I enjoy your marriage posts very much!

  11. Solid gatekeeper teaching Kaylene! You linked up twice! Amen for pouring it out! Happy Sunday!

  12. Thank-you again!! :) So much food for thought and encouragement!! Thank-you for letting God use you!!

  13. Thank you for these true words, Kaylene. I love your heart!

  14. Thanks for linking up at the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party.

  15. I love your heart to pour into women and encourage them to be wives who love their husbands, it is genuine and endearing. Too many times we can be condescending as we admonish one another and I don't think that is the Lord's heart when that word comes to mind or conversation. Yesterday I found myself convicted that I may have uttered a word that did not honor my husband to my friend. Though she knows my heart and desire to honor God and therefore also honor my husband, I still felt the need to go back and ask for forgiveness if that was the result of words I spoke.

    Honoring my husband starts first at honoring my Heavenly Father. Here is how I learn how to honor him as 2 Peter 3 tells us.
    Thanks for sharing today,Kaylene.

  16. This is a great article! Every point is important! I really liked #3 because it is advice you don't hear very often. I was fortunate to hear it as a newlywed. Instead of complaining about our husbands (even if our friends are doing it), we need to build them up, be their publicist. Talking good behind their back will get back to them and make them feel loved and respected. :)

  17. Great list of tips - we need to try so hard in this world to stay strong. I recently read a book called "A Lifelong Love" and it gave a lot of other tips, as well. You can see it at and enter to win!!

  18. A beautiful reminder to us all. Thank you.

  19. Thanks so much for the great and practical reminders. I shared this on my personal facebook page today and tonight when Think Tank Thursday goes live, you will be among the features.
