Thursday, January 30, 2014
Proverbs 31 "A Woman Praised"
Ah, yes, we've come to the end of our venture through Proverbs. I'm almost sad! I've learned many things. More than what I've written about. Thank you for sticking with me to the end. My prayer is you've been blessed even a little by the words that God made flow from my pen.....errr, keyboard!
We have one more chapter, and it's the one we all know well. The Perfect Wife chapter. We either love it or hate it, read it or skip over it. The chapter we find strength and encouragement in or feel exhausted, overwhelmed and incompetent in after reading it.
Well, for those who feel discouraged about all the accomplishments of this perfect woman, guess what! I have good news for you! We're going to skip the whole thing and go straight to the last two verses!
"A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate." Proverbs 31: 30-31
No one can do it all, but we can all do our best. Simply giving our best shot, striving for greatness in the Lord, fearing Him, which is to hate evil, is a woman to be praised.
The reward you are striving to earn is your heavenly one. Keep your eyes on Jesus and all things will work together for you and bring you praise at the gates.
I've come to believe the praise our works bring at the city gates is not the praise of our fellow man. While praise from people is not a bad thing, because it's encouraging to be praised for a job well done and feel appreciated, that's not what we should strive for.
I've come to believe the praise our works bring at the city gates is the praise and celebration we'll experience at Heavens gates for a job well done, a race well run, a life well lived, a woman deserving of the reward she was seeking in Jesus.
That, my friend, is the greatest reward of all; the ultimate celebration.
What a beautiful way to not only end our journey through Proverbs!
May you stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, not growing weary in doing well for Him. Bless you!
31 days in Proverbs
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Proverbs 30 "The Riches We Need"
Agurs prayer went like this:
"Two things I ask of you Lord; do not refuse me before I die:
Keep falsehood and lies far from me, give me neither poverty"
That sounds normal and very similar to what we might pray. Then he continues with this,
"...give me neither poverty nor riches; but give me only my daily bread."
What? No riches? Yes. When we pray to not be in poverty, or petition Him to provide well for our needs, how often do we do so with the unspoken hope that someday our 'ship will come in'? That someday He will plop an unforeseen amount of treasure in our laps, so we 'don't have to worry' about money being an issue when we want things?
Let's get real here. The more we have, the more we want. The greater our paycheck, the greater our spending. What more money and riches really do is cushion us from the knowledge of what is a need and what is a want.
Agur goes on to pray in verse 9, referring to riches, "Otherwise, I may have too much and disown You saying "Who is the Lord?"" This is exactly the attitude we take on when we let money and riches become our first desire. We feel invincible and without need of the Lord's protection and promises.
Excessive money breeds pride, greed and discontentment. But, lets keep in mind, its not the money itself that causes these traits. It's the heart of the spender. While not all poor people measure their riches in needs provided, neither do all rich people measure their riches in dollars and cents.
There are very wealthy people who have overcome the strongholds money can bring. They give generously, live in small fix-'er-up houses, wear clothes from second hand stores, don't eat out, or have the latest techy gadgets. Why? Maybe because they don't need it, but don't you think that just maybe it's because deep down they really don't even want it? Because, just maybe, they know no satisfaction or lasting riches will come of it.
Lasting riches are found in helping others, giving to others, loving others, caring for others, cultivating relationships with others and most importantly, Jesus. Those are the riches we need. See how none of those are about ourself? That's because the only thing consistent in lasting riches is others. Again, it's all about the heart of the spender.
May we be good stewards of the income God has blessed us with, not squandering any of it on things this world offers, remembering Jesus' words in Luke 12:14,
"Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed;
a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."
Just say 'no' to wanting something for once. Not because you don't have the money, but because you don't need it. When you realize you don't need more stuff, very likely you'll realize you don't want more stuff. Try it! The more you do it, the easier it becomes. It's a very freeing experience.
31 days in Proverbs
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Proverbs 29 "Kept In Safety, But Not Safe"
"Fear of man will prove to be a snare,
but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe." Proverbs 29:20
Throughout scripture we are told to trust in the Lord and we will be safe, prosperous and healed. But when there are endless calamities going on around us life can get dark and discouraging. We take our eyes off of Him for a moment and this is what we see and come to fear:
Natural disasters that devastate a whole city. They weren't kept safe.
Christians being slaughtered and persecuted. They weren't kept safe.
Vehicular accidents, boating accidents, trains derailing, planes hijacked, sex trafficking, diseases taking lives everyday. They weren't kept safe.
So why all the promises of being kept safe and protected?
Being safe in the Lord does not necessarily mean safe from all disasters on this earth. God never promised a life free of trials and sorrows. But He does promise He will be with us every step of the way.
When we take our eyes off Him and the ultimate victory, we become trapped in the snare called fear. It ruins our faith and trust in Him. It ruins our reassurance that He is in control and has completely forgotten us.
He hasn't.
The God who created you, unique in your own way, the only one He made like you, will never forget you. So when you are staring at some great calamity in your life, be reassured. Know that trusting in Him, trusting that only His ways will prevail, means He will keep you safe in the Lord. He will not let you come to utter ruin. Utter ruin is eternal damnation. That's what He keeps you safe from. That's the safety He keeps you in.
Trials are meant to test our faith. Our God wants to know that we are loyal. He wants to know that we love Him enough to let Him fight for us, and take care of us. He wants to know that we are not just fair weather Christians.
Hang in there! He won't let us come to complete ruin. Don't lose faith. Remember the ultimate battle is not with people and what they can do, but with "spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" Eph.6:12 Look to the Lord. Rise above and see the greater battle. Know that He will keep you and you will experience eternal safety when you trust in Him, and Him alone.
"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him." James 1:12
31 days in Proverbs
Monday, January 27, 2014
Proverbs 28 "One Beautiful Promise"
"He who conceals a sin does not prosper,
but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy." Proverbs 28:13
God sees all, knows all and hears all, so trying to conceal or hide a sin is absolutely futile. Yet we try it, just like a child insisting he did no wrong when you saw him do it. No matter how hard we try we can not hide sin from God. Thus, we fool ourselves, bringing ourselves to ruin, separating ourselves from God.
While we can succeed in hiding sin from people around us, either for a short time or for a lifetime, one day we will have to revisit those sins standing before the Lord when the books are opened. Then it will be too late to repent.
"But you don't understand," some cry, "there is way too much shame and disgrace in seeking forgiveness after all these years."
No, child, there is not. Seek the Lord's face today. How much rather experience shame and disgrace and humiliation now than feel the full wrath of God for all eternity.
'Some men's sins are open beforehand,
going before to judgment; and some
men they follow after." 1 Tim. 5:24 KJV
For any who is hiding secret sin, come before the Lord and tell Him. Confess. Do not wait till it's too late. God will not turn us away when we come to Him and ask forgiveness. Just like a father caring for his child our God cares for us. Just like a father willing to receive his child's apology or confession, so is our loving God. He longs to purify us. He longs to make us completely whole. He will not hide His face from us, when we earnestly seek Him. He desires open communication with us.
Does anyone else love the thought of how He desires open communication with us? He wants an easy flowing, open hearted chat with us, as much and as much more than we do with our own children. Just me and my Father. Just you and your Father. All by ourselves.
Be we can't have that precious relationship when "your iniquities have separated you from your God;
your sins have hidden His face from you so that He will not hear." Isaiah 59:2
Come before Him today and give Him your ugliness. He promises to forgive.
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9
He is faithful to forgive. That means He will forgive. God is not slack concerning His promises, and this, my friend, is one beautiful promise.
Don't you agree?
Please share one of your favorite promises from Gods word in the comments below.
31 days in Proverbs
More On Joy Muscles
It's here!!! My first ever guest post submission! I'm not sure which was more exciting, the confirmation email or now the actual publication! Way too much excitement for my inner nerd! :)
You'll remember recently I wrote of joy muscles, which turned out to be one of the better liked ones. Joy seems to elude many of us, so if you're in need of encouragement today, please go to
Be blessed!
You'll remember recently I wrote of joy muscles, which turned out to be one of the better liked ones. Joy seems to elude many of us, so if you're in need of encouragement today, please go to
Be blessed!
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Proverbs 26 "A Silver Drossed Heart"
It annoys, disappoints, disgusts and angers me when someones actions don't line up with their words.
"Burning lips and a wicked heart are like a potsherd covered with silver dross" Proverbs 26:23 KJV
I like the visual the KJV translation gives. Imagine an archaeologist sifting through the soil. Suddenly, he sees a sparkling edge of something. He works excitedly, yet painstakingly, wondering all the while what it could be. Maybe a chunk of silver? An age old crown or piece of jewelry? As he carefully brushes away the dirt from the embedded piece, don't you think he'll be just a little disappointed to learn that all he dug up was a piece of broken pottery covered with fake silver?
This is what a man with fervent lips but an evil heart is like. Just pottery coated with fake silver; evil heart covered with nice words.
"A malicious man disguises himself with his lips, but in his heart he harbors deceit. Though his speech is charming, do not believe him for seven abominations fill his heart." Proverbs 26:24-25
The seven abominations part made me wonder what they were. Let's take a look at Proverbs 6:16-19.
"There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to Him:
- haughty eyes
- a lying tongue
- hands that shed innocent blood
- a heart that devises wicked schemes
- feet that rush into evil
- a false witness who pours out lies, and
- a man who stirs up dissension among brothers."
Test the spirits and you will know the difference. Anyone who does not do what is right, even though he speaks all the right words is nothing more than a piece of potsherd covered in silver dross.
Lord, thank you that You have given me a sound mind to discern good from evil and a healthy body to carry out and walk in Your will. Do not let me speak in falsehood, neither let me dwell in evil doings, revealing a silver drossed heart. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to You, my Lord and my God. In Jesus' name. Amen
31 days in Proverbs
Proverbs 26
Friday, January 24, 2014
Proverbs 25 "Mysteries We Grasp"
Doesn't it just amaze you how after reading a passage numerous times you suddenly understand something new about it? I find this so thrilling and mystical. The thought and hope of learning something new from the Lord keeps driving me back to His word
"It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
Maybe God conceals things from us to protect us or maybe we're just not ready to learn it. This is all for His glory so that He can help us learn more of Him along the way. This ever learning aspect can come only from His word. It also keeps us wanting, longing and knowing more of Him. His greatness is never ending, therefore His teaching is never ending. There will always be something new, refreshing and fulfilling to be learned from His word that we'll never get from any other book.
All people enjoy knowing, learning and searching out matters. When we understand something it is ours. No one can take it away. When we understand something it is no longer a mystery or something we seek to learn. It is ours to keep. I believe God hides little nuggets from us to be revealed through the Holy Spirit at exactly the time we need it most or will learn it best. We will never be able to fully grasp or understand everything in the Bible, because it is not our word or teaching. It is Gods.
"The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us..." Duet. 29:29
When He does reveal something to us it is a precious thing. A precious word from God for us to keep and treasure. How very precious that He takes the time to teach us something new about Him! May we continue returning to His word never growing tired of searching for the mysteries it holds.
31 days in Proverbs
Proverbs 25
Proverbs 27 "Quarrelsome Wife"
OK, ladies! This one is for us. If you're still with us on this journey through Proverbs, I hope you take the time to read and take to heart Proverbs 27.
So far, in Proverbs I've found five verses referencing the quarrelsome wife. I've been able to elude writing about this, but not so anymore. Let's take it by the horns today. It's lengthy, but needs to be said. So buckle up!
"A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping." Proverbs 19:13
"Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife." Proverbs 21:9
"Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill tempered wife." Proverbs 21:19
Proverbs 25:24 is a repeat of 21:9.
Now today, "A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day, restraining her is like restraining the wind or grasping oil with the hand." Proverbs 27:15-16
So what exactly does a 'quarrelsome wife' do?
- she nags
- she nags again
- she huffs and sighs
- she challenges her husband's authority
- she makes him feel incompetent
- she grumbles
- she reminds him of past failures
- she degrades him verbally
- she says things like
"You never___________."
"I've told you over and over ____________."
"I can't stand how you ____________."
Add your own here.
- Then, she nags some more. On and on, never satisfied.
A quarrelsome wife devalues him as a man using words and body language. The very man who is designed to lead, protect and provide for her and her family. She's always in his face about how he ought to do more, do better, be better, but then is never satisfied with his efforts.
Just like a slow dripping of water through a roof eventually soaks and rots the boards underneath, so is a quarrelsome wife. She slowly but surely saturates her husbands heart with anger, regret, disappointment, sadness, incompetent feelings, assuring him of failure, emasculating him one word at a time, until he comes to complete ruin.
That's a quarrelsome wife.
Notice how it all revolves around what she says or communicates to him? So lets take a look at what words do, according God's word.
UNKIND words,
- lead to regret and condemnation.....Matt. 12:37
- stir up anger.....Pr.15:1
- bring ruin.....Pr.13:3
- offend and separate.....Pr. 18:19
- brings bad reputation.....Pr. 25:10
- are healing to the bones.....Pr. 16:24
- strengthen.....Job 4:4
- turn away anger.....Pr.15:1
- teach kindness itself.....Pr.31:26
- make a heart glad.....Pr12:25
- give life.....Pr.15:4
Remember it takes two to argue. Vow not to raise your voice, screw your face into an offensive look, or take a protective stance. We should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life God desires. (James 3:19) We must stop the whining and the nagging and the complaining.
"Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged." James 5:9
Grumble means to growl, mutter in discontent, complain continuously about unimportant things. This includes the huffs and sighs of displeasure us ladies are so known to express.
Lets look at Proverbs 27:16 again,
"restraining her is like restraining the wind or grasping oil with the hand."
I know this sounds a bit like the husband might be trying to suppress the wife, but let's look past that. The wind is uncontrollable. It does as it pleases, goes where it will, shows no restraint. Here's a random thought regarding air and how it goes wherever it wants -
The slightest leak in an air mattress eventually makes for a very uncomfortable sleeper. The leak, a contentious wife's devaluing words, slowly takes the life, air, right out of her husband's mattress/spirit. A man trying to rest on a deflated mattress is a miserable man indeed.
Back to our verse. Holding oil with the hands is virtually impossible. Even when the man's fingers are held tightly together, trying with all his might to hold it, somehow the oil seeps through. The oil, a wife contentious words, permeate the soul of a man and frustrates him. No matter how hard he tries, he can not please his grumbling, complaining, nagging wife, who has made it her mission, whether consciously or unconsciously, to devalue him as a man.
STOP IT!! We MUST stop it!
Let's start the stopping today by speaking one kind sentence to our husbands. If it takes too much laying down of pride to say it, then write it, text it, or post it on facebook. Just make sure you say something nice to him. Try doing this for one week. Here are a few examples:
- Thank you for taking out the trash.
- Thank you for providing so well for us.
- Thank you for helping me clear the table.
- Thank you for helping Susie put on her shoes.
- You look nice today. Yes, men want to know they look good.
Just one kind sentence is where we start making a change for the better and evicting that contentious wife from our house.
Pray with me,
Dear Lord, ouch. This one hurts. Remind me continuously today to speak kind words. Help me see the small things my husband does and give me the courage to thank him for those things. Help me lay down my pride long enough to give him the honor he deserves as leader and provider of our home. Renew in me a right spirit, o Lord. I know this won't be fixed overnight. My heart needs much and continual cleansing from a grumbling complaining attitude. Lord, today start preparing a new wife for my husband and let it be me. In Jesus precious name, Amen.
Don't forget to 'like' Faithful Feat on Facebook!
31 days in Proverbs
Proverbs 27
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Proverbs 24 "Broken and Stomped On"
"Do not gloat when your enemy falls;
when he stumbles do not let your heart rejoice." Proverbs 24:17
We've all seen it happen; someones sin caught up with them and they suffer the consequences of bad choices. Their heartache and shame is multiplied by seeing and experiencing others scorn, mocking, heartless comments and loss of friends.
Maybe that someone was you.
You regret your actions. Your heart is broken. You long for healing, acceptance, understanding or a kind encouraging word. But, you don't get one. Instead, people whom you deemed respectable are not willing to pray for or with you, but would rather stand there and beat you up with their loud accusing words. In fact, you receive a letter from a dear friend denouncing you as her friend and she can no longer associate with you. Family doesn't let you forget the error of your ways, constantly reminding you of what you've done, even years later.
Or, maybe you're the one who openly scorned and rejoiced at someone broken.
You thought or said things like 'serves them right for making stupid mistakes. Nope! I don't pity them at all.' You took on a better than thou attitude. You may have even said terrible things to their face, if not to others of like mind. You stash this information away to be used against the fallen at a later date, when you may need to humiliate them.
Shame on you. Simply shame on you. You do this while claiming Christianity, but you harden your heart, displaying nothing of what Jesus did for you.
" not let your heart rejoice, or the Lord will see and disapprove,..." Proverbs 24:17-18
"The Lord disapproves of and is able to humble the proud." (Dan.4:37)
If you've experienced being brought to your knees due to sin and disobedience, you eventually come to a place where you can be thankful for the shower of God's fierce disapproval. But, walking through that time is not easy. Maybe, at that time we vowed to never deal harshly with the broken, yet how easily we forget. Life moves on and we see others doing worse things than we've done in a long time and we deem ourselves better, taking on the finger pointing attitude.
Seriously, who do we think we are? Only God can repay those who do evil, whether we are the ones broken or the the ones dishing out the scorn.
"Do not be proud, but willing to associate with people of low position." Romans 12:16
Yes, I know this verse means to be willing to help the poor. But, 'of low position' is exactly where we are when we are broken. Poor and weak in spirit, because of our sin.
Let's be more willing to associate lovingly with those in humbled positions, remembering Jesus loved us in all our brokenness. May we be more willing to extend grace to those fallen, even when the consequences of their actions is what we had foreseen. We needed Jesus in our low, humbled position. Let's show His kind of love to those who need Him now.
31 days in Proverbs
Proverbs 24
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Proverbs 23 "Squeaky Dryers and Stuff Like That"
In this ever changing world there is always something nicer, better, greater, or newer than what we have. So we work harder, faster and longer to obtain more money to get what we want. We become frustrated, irritable, rude, and more selfish. Vicious cycle.
"Do not wear yourself out to get rich;
have the wisdom to show restraint." Proverbs 23:4
What?!! Show restraint from work?!! Why, yes! I do believe that's what it means!
It's OK to stop working and just rest. It's OK to not wear yourself ragged. It's OK to not put in extra hours just to gain more stuff. It's OK to not have the latest in fashion, technology, house design, vehicle model, fat bank account, etc.
It's simply OK.
Your clothes still hold together at the seams. Your phone still works. Your house isn't falling down. Your car still putters down the road getting you from point A to point B. You have money enough to pay your bills. Sure there are times we need to pinch our pennies extra hard, or things need to be fixed or updated. But, if we're just wanting new stuff to out-do someone, we have an issue!
It's called discontentment.
Here's a recent lesson in being content: We had an age old dryer, which had a broken timer. But that was the least of my concern. You see, this dryer squeaked and squawked something fierce. It wasn't a small squawk either. No, it could be heard outside 100 yards upwind, nails scratching on the chalkboard type of squawk. No amount of oiling made it run any quieter. New belt didn't help either. It was annoying, but it still worked! It still dried our clothes. We used that protesting dryer for over a year.
We learned to be OK with it.
We were able to tolerate the squeaky dryer, and rest contentedly, knowing one day, we'd get a new one. We knew somehow God would provide. While this story is minuscule to other stories of learning to be content in circumstances, it was still more of a heart issue than a dryer issue.
Contentment or the lack thereof is a heart issue.
When our always wanting more, turns into always having more, we lose contentment in what God has already given. We lose any peace there is to be had in knowing we are well taken care of. We lose appreciation for the gifts God has already blessed us with.
Today, be thankful, content with what you have been given. Rest, knowing you don't have to wear yourself out to be rich. Rest, realizing you're already there! Stop the wanting for more. Let go of the need to gain.
Just rest. Either physically, in spirit, or both. Have the wisdom to show restraint and be content in Him.
31 days in Proverbs
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Proverbs 22 "Frustrating Their Words"
"The eyes of the Lord keep watch over knowledge,
but He frustrates the words of the unfaithful." Proverbs 22:12
The Lord is very involved in the present world and its happenings. Many wicked and evil things are taught and take place. Still other wicked plans are made, but the Lord intervenes and frustrates those plans. While He is more than capable of preventing the wicked from achieving any evil goal or desire, He still has ultimate control. He allows and disallows as He pleases. All things are for Him, by Him, and through Him. Whatever is His will.
We need to be careful as to what we think is from God or what is not. We read in 1 John 4:1-10, that because of the many false witnesses in the world we must test the spirits. Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus has come in the flesh, is from God. If not, the spirit is not from God.
"Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother." 1 John 3:10
God protects faithful witnesses making their words and ways prosper to preserve His great plan. The unfaithful and false teachers He frustrates by making knowledge, the wisdom of Himself and good and evil, prevail over all their evil ways and plans. This is what He does to the false teachers and the unfaithful,
"since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done....they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless." Romans 1:28-32
Another great example of how our God is ever watching and all powerful.
"Many are the plans of a man's heart,
but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21
31 days in Proverbs
Monday, January 20, 2014
Proverbs 21 "My Horse, Life"
"The horse is made ready for the day of battle,
but victory rests with the Lord." Proverbs 21:31
Maybe I read too many cowboy and indian stories as a child, but when I read that verse, I had a visual of a lone horseman, with head hanging down, riding a sorry looking horse through a blizzard, then a dust storm, a desert and finally a beautiful, inviting green valley. So, I guess we'll go with that today!
You, the weary horseman, ride a horse named Life. You prepare this horse with necessary tack for the long road ahead. The saddle represents the hand of God, which you sit in all throughout your journey. The bridle and reins represent His word to guide you. The grain and food you sealed and wrapped in the saddle bags represent hope. The new shoes on your horse represent faith. Since your horse, Life, might lose one or they start to wear thin, you carry extras in your saddlebags. The nails to reattach your faith shoes represent truth. You have done all this to prepare for the storms of your trip along the trail marked Heaven.
When the blizzard rages and you can't see your hand in front of your face, His word, the reins will guide you. The faith shoes attached with truth nails, march bravely on. The saddle, God's hand, holds you. Here's a thought - since God's hand is not cold and harsh, you have a heated seat! How sweet is that!
Then comes the dust storm darkening the way and filling your whole being with dirt and grit/sorrow and sin. Its everywhere. You feel like you're being sand blasted by these sorrows and sins. It feels like they will consume you. But, you know when the dust storm is done, the food you had sealed and wrapped is untouched and clean. You find a spark of hope at the thought of food without an extra crunch from the dirt. That hope helps you march bravely on in faith shoes, still guided by the reins of God's word.
Then you meet the desert. The dry, harsh, baked to a crisp land filled with endless rocks and hard places. Life's shoes of faith have worn thin and she even lost one. So, you dig out the new shoes and you tack them on with nails of truth. The new shoes are your faith revived and strengthened. You now have a greater resolve to press on toward your goal.
All the while you're still sitting in the saddle, God's hand. (The heated seat thought you might want to turn off now that you're in a hot land!) You are being guided by His word, and eating the bread of hope. Your horse has new shoes, but the horse itself, Life, has grown old and worn, slowing everyday. The horse wants to lie down and give up. She longs for rest, her body frail and weak.
Just as she takes her last stumbling steps over one remaining rocky grade, you look up and see a beautiful green, luscious valley before you. A Man of great splendor sees you and comes to welcome you to His beautiful home, inviting you to get off your horse as she stumbles to her knees taking her last breath.
You jump off and run to this beautiful land, rejoicing at the sight of your new home, your eternal life, with the great majestic Man, the Lord your God. How sweet your rest. How glorious your peace. How great your life now is.
Today prepare your horse well for the storms ahead. No matter how hard the trail, do not lose hope. Walk strong in truth. Hold fast to the Word. He is carrying you. You will have rest. You will have victory in the Lord!
"our present sufferings are not worth comparing
with the glory that will be revealed in us." Romans 8:18
Sharing with....Jennifer Dukes Lee
31 days in Proverbs
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Proverbs 20 "No Favoritism"
"Differing weights and differing measures-
the Lord detests them both." Proverbs 20:10
"The Lord detests differing weights,
and dishonest scales do not please Him." Proverbs 20:23
We have a just God. He is a fair God. He is a right God. "God is not unjust" Heb. 6:10.
He expects us to deal fairly as well. Sometimes that is hard. From that one child who is pushing all your buttons to a business deal gone bad, life happens and we want to lash out and power our way to what we feel is just and right and fair. In doing so, we may deal harshly, taking on a threatening stance, tone or attitude.
However, we have no right deciding what is fair. We should not assume the role of deciding what is justice. Fair does not mean everyone gets the same thing. Rather, it means everyone gets what they need to be successful and productive. While we may feel someone gets the better deal or the better life, God does not have favorites.
"He who is both their master and yours in in heaven,
and there is no favoritism." Eph. 6:9
Romans 3:22 agrees with this in saying, "There is no difference, for ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
We need to get off our little high horses, quit taking on the role of God, and realize not everything is done unto us, for or against us. Rather, "From Him and through Him and to Him are all things." Romans 11:36. Do you understand that? From Him, through Him and to Him are ALL things. He allows and disallows as He pleases.
We need to keep our heads screwed on straight and see that "the Lord works all things for His own ends," Pr. 16:4 Not mine. HIS. Whether we think it's fair, right or just, we must not lose sight of the big picture,
"It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, and there is no favoritism." Col. 3:24-25
So, because there is no favoritism on God's scales, it goes both ways. You wrong someone - you pay as the Lord sees fit. Someone wrongs you - they pay as the Lord sees fit. Some will pay for their misdeeds on earth. Others, not till eternity. Either way, the Lord repays.
We don't have to be bogged down with deciding what is just. Simply relax and trust God to make the best decision. Yes, I know it is hard to let go when everything in you knows something is not fair or just or right, but there is a lot of freedom in knowing He will work all things together for our good, when we trust Him.
Psalm 103:8-12 gives a beautiful picture of how He deals with us.
"The Lord is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love.
He will not always accuse,
nor will He harbor His anger forever;
He does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is His love for those who fear him; (hate evil)
as far as the east is from the west,
so far has He removed our transgressions from us."
Simply beautiful.
We get weighed on scales far beyond fair. May we deal with others with the same compassion and grace God has shown us.
31 days in Proverbs
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Proverbs 19 "Rage Against the Lord"
"A man's folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the Lord." Proverbs 19:3
Isn't it interesting and a little disturbing how humans from the beginning of time, play the blame game? We need to feel good about ourselves so we like to find someone to blame when things go wrong.
According to the above verse, the foolish choices we make ruin our own lives. Then when we experience the consequences of our foolish choices we get mad at God. We blame him for our misery. We rant and rave against Him, wondering how He could do this to us. How He could allow the misery we brought upon ourselves.
All through Proverbs we can read how foolish choices ruin lives and wise choices bring life. Foolish choices bring poverty, wise choices bring wealth. Foolish choices bring pain, wise choices bring healing.
"The fear of the Lord leads to life:
Then one rests content, untouched by trouble." Proverbs 19:23
When we fear the Lord, which is to hate evil, we make wiser choices and because of those choices we can rest contentedly.We don't have to worry that what we said or did might come back to haunt us.
The other side is this- when we fear the Lord we can rest contentedly knowing He will not let us be destroyed by trouble. Yes, life gets tough and we don't know how we'll make it through the valley, but when we trust in Him to work all things together for our good (Romans 8:28), we have an unmatchable peace and rest, even in the midst of the trial.
In that peace and rest we are shielded from trouble. While we rest in Him, allowing Him to carry us, we will come through the battle strong and victorious, our spirit unscathed by trouble.
Make wise choices. Rest contented. Wait on the Lord.
This brings life. Gives life. Leads to life. Leads to Life.
"Christ, who is your life." Colossians 3:4
"For the Lord is your life." Deuteronomy 30:20
So, no more raging against the Lord. I mean, who do we think we are? Turn to Him! He will not let you be destroyed.
31 days in Proverbs
Friday, January 17, 2014
Proverbs 18 "He Chose Me"
"A man of many companions may come to ruin,
but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24
We all have friends. We have the friends we know on a first name basis, but don't spend time with. Then, there are the few we do spend time with. We get to know their desires, their struggles, their joys. We get real with them. We get to know their very person.
So who is this friend? Who loves me and wants to be around me so much that he sticks closer than a brother?
Open your Bible to John 15:14-17.
This passage begins with "You are my friends if you do what I command." v.14
It ends with, "This is my command: Love each other." v.17
Now, we could stop right there and call it good, but let's dig in a bit more. Hold on, because it gets beautiful!
In verse 15 of the above passage from John, Jesus said, "I no longer call you servants, because a servant doesn't know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I have learned from my Father I have made known to you."
Do you see it?! Do you see the contrast? Masters give orders to the servants, who just do as they are told. They change plans at the masters every want and whim. But Jesus said we aren't servants because He taught us everything He learned from His Father! Everything. It's laid out in His word for everyone to read. We have the opportunity to know His plan if we so choose. He leaves it completely up to us. But when we choose to believe God and do what He commands, He calls us His friend! (see John 15:14 again.)
Need more proof?
"Abraham believed God...and he was called God's friend." James 2:23
We can know this is for us just as much as it was for Abraham, by Galatians 3:26-29,
"If you belong to Christ, you are Abraham's seed and heir according to the promise."
How absolutely beautiful that you and I are Abraham's seed and therefore, also called God's friends!
But, wait! It gets even better! In between John 15:14 and 17, there's a little nugget that just thrills me to the core. Look at verse 16.
Jesus said, "You did not choose me, but I CHOSE YOU..."
Gasp! He CHOSE me.
He CHOSE you.
My God, my Jesus, chose me. Out of all the people in the world He chose me. ME!!! To be His friend!
Does that delight anyone else? To know that you have a special place all our own in God's heart. To know He wants to spend time with you. Just you. All alone. By yourselves. No one else. Just you and just God. The One who sticks closer than a brother.
Absolutely beautiful.
Pray with me.
Thank you, Jesus, for choosing me. Thank you for choosing me to be all Yours. How great is Your love that You call us Your children. You long to spend time with each one of us. All alone. Just You and just me. My Lord, my God, my Jesus, how awesome and glorious You are. Thank you for not forsaking me. Thank you for never leaving me to fend for myself. You alone are good. You alone are God. You are mine. I am Yours. I have no words enough.....thank you, Jesus. Amen
but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24
We all have friends. We have the friends we know on a first name basis, but don't spend time with. Then, there are the few we do spend time with. We get to know their desires, their struggles, their joys. We get real with them. We get to know their very person.
So who is this friend? Who loves me and wants to be around me so much that he sticks closer than a brother?
Open your Bible to John 15:14-17.
This passage begins with "You are my friends if you do what I command." v.14
It ends with, "This is my command: Love each other." v.17
Now, we could stop right there and call it good, but let's dig in a bit more. Hold on, because it gets beautiful!
In verse 15 of the above passage from John, Jesus said, "I no longer call you servants, because a servant doesn't know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I have learned from my Father I have made known to you."
Do you see it?! Do you see the contrast? Masters give orders to the servants, who just do as they are told. They change plans at the masters every want and whim. But Jesus said we aren't servants because He taught us everything He learned from His Father! Everything. It's laid out in His word for everyone to read. We have the opportunity to know His plan if we so choose. He leaves it completely up to us. But when we choose to believe God and do what He commands, He calls us His friend! (see John 15:14 again.)
Need more proof?
"Abraham believed God...and he was called God's friend." James 2:23
We can know this is for us just as much as it was for Abraham, by Galatians 3:26-29,
"If you belong to Christ, you are Abraham's seed and heir according to the promise."
How absolutely beautiful that you and I are Abraham's seed and therefore, also called God's friends!
But, wait! It gets even better! In between John 15:14 and 17, there's a little nugget that just thrills me to the core. Look at verse 16.
Jesus said, "You did not choose me, but I CHOSE YOU..."
Gasp! He CHOSE me.
He CHOSE you.
My God, my Jesus, chose me. Out of all the people in the world He chose me. ME!!! To be His friend!
Does that delight anyone else? To know that you have a special place all our own in God's heart. To know He wants to spend time with you. Just you. All alone. By yourselves. No one else. Just you and just God. The One who sticks closer than a brother.
Absolutely beautiful.
Pray with me.
Thank you, Jesus, for choosing me. Thank you for choosing me to be all Yours. How great is Your love that You call us Your children. You long to spend time with each one of us. All alone. Just You and just me. My Lord, my God, my Jesus, how awesome and glorious You are. Thank you for not forsaking me. Thank you for never leaving me to fend for myself. You alone are good. You alone are God. You are mine. I am Yours. I have no words enough.....thank you, Jesus. Amen
31 days in Proverbs
friend of God
Proverbs 18
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Proverbs 17 "Bribes"
"A bribe is a charm to the one who gives it,
wherever he turns, he succeeds." Proverbs 17:9
Have you ever been bribed? Maybe you've done the bribing?
I bribe my kids all the time.
"Clean your room and we'll play a game."
"After your school work, we'll have caramel apples."
We have chore charts that allow them to earn $.25 a day when completed.
In all these bribes, I'm holding the charm, the reward, and I will succeed. I get a good deal at every turn. Toys get picked up in at least one room and I get to enjoy a fun 10 min playing a game with my kids. The caramel apple reward helps keep them on task, getting their lessons done in a timely manner. I don't lose my sanity and we all get a treat. Chore charts teach responsibility while I get help with fixing beds and other daily duties. They earn money and I get the opportunity to teach them the value of it. I bribe. I gain. I'm happy.
While I try to be fair and intentional when I bribe, we have an enemy who only bribes for his gain.
We might not give in to the first bribe or temptation, but he returns when our resolve is not at its peak and we might oblige to him. One time can't hurt, right? It felt good. It was fun. It thrilled me.
While the initial feeling may be satisfying, we can be sure, eventually it will bring ruin. We can be sure that Satan is benefiting most. He caught us in his trap. Now, he's waiting for the perfect time to use our sin against us. Inevitably, the perfect time he chooses is in front of God.
"the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night." Revelation 12:10
How perfectly rotten of him.
Praise the Lord, that ultimately Satan, the accuser will be overthrown and spend his eternity in complete agony.
But the fact is, right now he holds little bribes for us. He dangles them around like little charms. Like pretty, sparkling, glittering ornaments. We get to chose whether or not to take one. We have the option whether or not to reach out and take one. Be wise! Think! Recognize the temptations, the charms, for what they are. Do not settle for a little glittering charm when there's a much greater treasure to be had.
Look beyond. Look higher. Look to the greater things of God. "Go for the gold!" The gold He has in store for you! And, friend, it's real gold! Streets and streets and streets of it!
Pray with me.
Lord, when we are tempted, help us recognize the bribe for what it is. Thank you for Your Holy Spirit to nudge us and remind us and make us aware of what is not from You. Let us not grow callus to Your gentle reminders that guide our hearts in the way of truth and righteousness. Thank you for Your gift of life. May we never grow weary of doing good, giving the enemy nothing to accuse us of. Amen.
31 days in Proverbs
Proverbs 17
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Proverbs 16 "Change Your Plans"
Today we have a plan. Tomorrow we have a plan. We all have plans. We constantly make plans. If we want to achieve anything in life, we must plan.
"To man belong the plans of the heart,
but from the Lord comes the reply of the tongue." Proverbs 16:1
"In his heart a man plans his course,
but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9
So we can plan all we want. Plans belong to us. But ultimately God gives the OK. God allows. God disallows. All for His own plan.
"The Lord works out everything for His own ends," Proverbs 16:4
Whether it matches with our plans or not. Whether it suits us or not. Whether we understand it or not, He's working all things out according to His great plan. To a better end than we could ever plan or imagine. We need to learn to be OK with that.
Be OK the rough times. Be OK with the painful times. Be OK with the dark times. Be OK with the unknown, knowing and trust that He's got a greater plan.
We read a few more passages about plans in this chapter.
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3
"When a mans ways are pleasing to the Lord,
He makes even his enemies live at peace with him." Proverbs 16:7
How interesting that even my enemies and I can be peaceable. Why? Well, since God works all things for His own gain, He's more than capable to soften and direct the hearts of my enemies. All so that His great plan may come to be.
Yes, He allows trouble with enemies, but again only for His gain. Maybe we have something to learn. Or maybe, through trouble He can use us to display His greatness, bring the unbeliever one step closer to Him. One step closer to another story that glorifies Him.
So go ahead and make your plans. But ultimately, commit your way to the Lord, being ready to reroute, rearrange or redo, and your plans will succeed in much more satisfying ways than you could ever imagine.
31 days in Proverbs
God's plan
Proverbs 16
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Proverbs 15 "Joy Muscles"
"A happy heart makes the face cheerful" Prverbs 15:13
"the cheerful heart has a continual feast." Proverbs 15:15
"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart," Proverbs 15:30
The common denominator in these three verses is happiness. We all know and love a joyful person. We are drawn to any person who looks happy and cheerful. We want in on their secret. A taste of whatever they have to offer.
Why, do some people always seem joyful? While others struggle to put a smile on their face? Sure, we have rough times due to deaths, health, consequences of sin, etc. but we're told 'don't lose your joy'. Your spark. Your hope. But, how is that even possible? I mean, life gets tough. We get rocked to the core. Our breath gets taken away. We can't move. It's hard to feel....anything.
How can we be expected to find joy in that? Should we just slap a smile on and fake it till we make it?
I've tried that.
It worked.
And then it didn't work.
Life got all up in my face and the situation was twice as messed up and hard to deal with. So don't do that.
It's ok to cry and mourn and weep and rely on others when you can't stand on our own. But, don't you dare lose the joy of the Lord.
"the joy of the Lord is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10
Here's a thought- The joy of the Lord is where I flex my muscles! :) Need a divine workout? Try joy!
You can bet, the enemy knows joy is your strength, even more than you do. You are strong when you find joy in the Lord. You are a force to be reckoned with when you set your eyes and heart on the Lord. When your unwavering faith is that He will pull you through and your hope is in His promises, you will find a joy unmatchable! You will cling to that joy, even if its just a little spark, because it makes you strong. It secures your hope. Even if its a small joy, an itty bitty joy, its still a joy. It's still a light that the enemy can not squelch.
Oh, he'll try. He'll try hard. But, he can't, because in joy you are flexing a God muscle. He can't because you want joy. You weren't made by a sad God, so He didn't give you a longing for sadness. No, He planted a deep longing in you to want joy. To want light and life. And, when you hold on to even the smallest spark of joy, you defeat the enemy with your God muscle.
This joy will grow. It will fill you with strength and courage. Then, it will spill over and radiate from your very being. You will smile more, laugh more and enjoy more, because of your strength in joy.
You'll have a cheerful look when you flex your joy muscle. You'll find life much more live-able. It will become a continual feast, a continual reason to celebrate with Him.
Where can we find things to celebrate in the midst of great trial? When we don't feel like or simply can't see light in all the pain?
Consider the small things:
Marvel at flower.
Listen to a childs laughter.
Watch a sunrise/sunset.
Listen to the birds chirping.
See the stars twinkling.
Watch the clouds everchanging.
Feel the wind.
Listen to the rain.
The joy of the Lord.
Your strength.
Your strength for the next moment. Your strength for the next hour. Your strength for this day. Your strength every day.
Don't you dare let the enemy take away your joy muscle! Flex it. Feel it. Look at it. Show it off.
The more you use it, the stronger it becomes!
The joy of the Lord is your strength!
31 days in Proverbs
joy muscles
Provebs 15
Monday, January 13, 2014
Proverbs 14 "Build Your Home"
"The wise woman builds her house,
but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." Proverbs 14:1
While a wise woman could build her house, because she is to work vigorously and be physically strong (Proverbs 31:17), that is not what this verse is talking about. The building, fixing, providing, leading, protecting, all the muscle stuff is the mans role. Turning a pile of wood and nails into a house is the job for your husband, if he's willing to physically build a house.
If not, and because its often faster, easier and safer to just buy a premade pile of wood and nails....just saying ;)...he's still provider of the house.
However, that pile of boards and nails is all it would remain without a woman's touch. The one whose role in building the house involves the very hearts of those who occupy that cold mound of sticks and tacks.
The wife, mom, woman of the house builds it strong, ready to weather any storm of life by nourishing those hearts with love, kindness, orderliness, discernment, beauty, warmth, harmony, unity, joy and acceptance.
She watches day and night that her loved ones are fed, comfortable, clothed, lavished with love, spoken kindly to, taught right from wrong and to resolve conflicts peacefully.
She's the one who teaches them to laugh, sing and play together. She goes from room to room constantly tending to the affairs of her household, making sure everything runs smoothly and harmoniously.
The woman's role deals with heart issues and relationships. Those get messy. Very messy. Praise the Lord she has a divine blueprint spelled out in Gods word to help her set the moral and spiritual climate of her home.
A wise woman builds her house spiritually by demonstrating her godly character day in and day out. By teaching her children the things of the Lord. By being an example of the things of the Lord to her husband.
A wise woman builds her house economically by her dedicated hard work, profiting the whole family with her efforts.
A wise woman builds her house with the Lord. She goes to God's word to find wisdom on how to respond to the hard things of life. She goes to God's word to find strength for the huge trial. She goes to God's word for comfort when life breaks her heart. For encouragement and discernment when she gets weary of doing life, marriage and family the way He designed.
She goes to His Divine blueprint when the boards and nails crumble and the foundations get shaken.
She builds her house for the Lord. According to to His Divine plan. Even when all others around her don't. Even when all others scorn her. Even when the world says she's weak because she does it God's way. Even when God's way is hardest. She builds it for the Lord.
Join me in prayer...
Father, thank you for Your beautiful plan for us as a women. Thank you that You have written a blueprint for us to follow. Drive us back to that blueprint often. Help us read Your plan clearly when life crowds in around us and all goes wrong. Give us strength for each moment. In the highs and the lows, Lord, You are there, encouraging, holding, stabilizing our houses as we strive to build them with You and for You. Thank you for Your great plan even when we don't understand the whys. Let us not grow weary of doing good. May Your will be done in our houses, our hearts, our lives. All for You, Lord. All for You. Amen.
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31 days in Proverbs
build your home
Proverbs 14
proverbs 14:1
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Proverbs 13 "A Longing Fulfilled"
God created us with a deep longing to belong. A need for a place to call home. A place of total love and rest. A greater place where all our longings are fulfilled.
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 9:12
"A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul,
but fool detest turning from evil." Proverbs 9:19
This longing is an itch unscratchable. An apple unreachable. A goal unattainable. A joy unexperienceable. A rest unrestful. A home not quite perfect and its all part of Gods plan.
Why? Because He has given us a longing for our eternal home. An eternal rest. An eternal joy. He has set eternity in the hearts of men. (Ecc.3:11)
We constantly work for, strive for, run after, seek after, and long for something better. Something greater. However, we sabotage any rest or fulfillment He may give along the way, because we 'detest turning from evil'.
We don't like stopping the gaining.
We don't like resting from the wanting more.
We don't like turning from our own plans.
Anything short of what He has prepared for us, will not completely fill. Will not completely satisfy. Will not bring complete, lasting rest.
Yes, we can experience fleeting moments of fulfillment on this side of heaven. We can experience to a small degree, just a very short moment, a longing fulfilled. I believe God allows these moments because they refresh us. They breathe life into us. They remind us of greater things.
A while ago, as I sat in my mothers house, sipping a cup of coffee, smelling the smells, hearing the sounds, seeing the sights of my childhood, I found a moment of complete rest. Just for one second there was nothing but the longing for the perfect home completely filled.
One second that took my breath away.
One second that gave me breath.
One second of complete fulfillment.
No, it wasn't because my mother's home is perfect. It was because for just one second God allowed me to experience one little life giving drop of heaven. That little drop of heaven gave me the courage and the strength it took to look life straight in the face and say,
"Bring it!"
Those little drops of heaven are never planned. Just a spontaneous, fleeting, yet perfectly timed moment that God allows us to experience to encourage our good fight.
We will never experience more than just little drops of heaven on this earth. Just like a few stray sprinkles before a rain shower, we get just a few sprinkles of heaven to remind us, encourage us, strengthen us... until one day we will experience an all out down pour of heaven. Then we will be showered, soaked, immersed, flooded, completely engulfed in His love, acceptance and rest forever!
Then, and only then, will our longings be completely, totally, wholly, entirely, 100%, all the way,....perfectly filled.
31 days in Proverbs
drop of heaven
longing fulfilled
Proverbs 13
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Proverbs 12 "Overlooking Insults"
Loud eating annoys me. Slow drivers irk me. Dirty socks left in a pile makes me huff. Coats and boots out of place make my eyebrows do tricks. A reprimand makes me want to tear into the person and set 'em in their place. I mean, seriously! Who do they think they are!
There are some things that just grind my nerves.
And, you can be sure every single annoyance on my radar gets some kind of reaction. Usually immediately. Whether its in words, a honk of the horn, a slamming door, a huff, or eyebrows all kinked up, the insulter usually hears from me in short order. So when I read the next verse I cringed.
"A fool shows his annoyance at once..."
GASP!! Are you serious?!!
"...but a prudent man overlooks an insult." Proverbs 12:16
Well! Since I have no problem perfecting the first part of this verse, how about we take a shot at the second part. Yeah, the 'overlooking an insult' line.
How hard is that?
I mean, who even succeeds at overlooking an insult?
"Love covers a multitude of sins", 1Peter 4:8, comes to mind. As well as "He who covers over an offense promotes love," Proverbs 17:9.
OK. Sin is sin, and we aren't to be afraid to call it as such. Notice how Peter and Solomon did not say love covers disobedience, lies, selfishness, or other bad decisions. No, here we are being called to not bother with every little transgression in our daily relationships. In other words- don't sweat the small stuff!
When we are annoyed or insulted our calling is to calculate our response carefully. For me that means I need to think faster than my mouth can talk. I need to breathe before my body language takes over. Is this something I should let go of? Is this annoyance, this insult, this misdeed, among the multitude that love covers?
In every circumstance weigh the matter quickly, decisively and with good judgement. If it affects my attitude more than the offenders eternity, very likely its among the multitude love covers over and I need to deal with a greater problem within myself.
For me, this means:
Pick up my husband's dirty socks. Again. Smile.
Remind the loud chewer to close their mouth. Again. Kindly.
Pass slow drivers at an un-suicidal speed or enjoy the slower pace. Keep my hands off the horn. Wave. (my hand not my fist) Smile.
Teach and remind my kids where coats and boots belong. Again. Patiently.
Hear the reprimand. Receive it with grace. Respond gently.
The list goes on....add your own here________.
Join me in prayer.
Father God, thank you for Your unending grace. Thank you for Your kindness. Your gentleness. Your patience. Your mercy. Teach me to be more like You in my responses to daily happenings. Teach me and show me what love covers over and what needs to be confronted. Give me insight to recognize the small stuff, and give me wisdom to discern quickly and rightly. Amen.
Don't forget to follow Faithful Feat on Facebook and Twitter.
31 days in Proverbs
overlooking insults
proverbs 12
Friday, January 10, 2014
Proverbs 11 "Duplicating Myself"
"The integrity of the upright guides them, but
the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity." Proverbs 11:3
Look at the word duplicity. Duplicity in one word means doubleness.
The first thing we think of when we think of doubleness is a double minded, split tongued, double life leading person. That's exactly the kind of life the unfaithful lead and their duplicity destroys them.
But the word 'duplicity' and others like it kept coming to mind.
More than one.
MORE THAN ONE. That's it! That's what He wanted me to understand!
We enjoy being surrounded by like minded people. We appreciate knowing and spending time with people who think like us. Talk like us. Act like us. Share the same interests. These people make us feel good. They make us feel accepted, comfortable, relateable, understood. They encourage us. They compliment us.
We duplicate ourselves with our friends. Our friends duplicate themselves with us. The more duplicated friends we have, whether godly or secular, the more such friends we attract, and the more we become like them.
When life gets tough and we have only ungodly friends, we are attracted and encouraged to try the quick fixes of the world.
This marriage is getting tougher every day. Quick fix- divorce.
This pregnancy is unplanned. Quick fix- abortion.
God might ask me to give up what I enjoy. Quick fix- ignore Him.
When we have surrounded ourselves with faithful Godly friends we are attracted and encouraged to fight the good fight.
This marriage is getting tougher ever day. Good fight- forgive and reconcile.
This pregnancy is unplanned. Good fight- choose life.
God asks me to do something. Good fight- say 'Have Your way.'
There is no such thing as a quick fix to our problems. But. either way life becomes easier when we have a friend who can help us along the way. Duplicate your Godly friends. Join arms with them and march bravely on.
Be encouraged, faithful friend. The moment you pass into eternity you'll get your quick fix! And, that one, friend, is everlasting!
May you and your duplicated friends spend all eternity in perfect duplicity with Christ!
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31 days in Proverbs
proverbs 11
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Proverbs 10 "Yes, Lord"
"As vinegar to the teeth and smoke to eyes,
so is a sluggard to those who send him." Proverbs 10:26
As a mother, I firmly believe slow obedience is no obedience. Nothing aggravates me more than having to call for a child more than once or repeat a request knowing I was heard the first time! I'm sure you can relate! :)
Back to the verse above. Smoke burns and irritates the eyes. Vinegar tastes horrible. In the same way a sluggard irritates and leaves us with a bad taste when thinking of or seeing him.
When God calls us to action and we become scared, unsure or feel inadequate, we tend to ignore Him. We tend to push Him away. Some, including me, flat out say "No, I wont. I can't. Find someone else." While He has great patience and mercy, I wonder if we make ourselves like smoke to His eyes and He's left standing there, violently blinking trying to make the burning go away, thinking "that has to stop". Maybe we make ourselves like vinegar and He's left standing there spitting and choking and gasping, trying to get our taste out of His mouth. Are we a sluggard to God? Are we being slow to obey Him?
Whether God is calling you to a ministry, a more disciplined life, better steward of the money He gives you, to make one more effort to save your crumbling marriage, to find reconciliation in a painful relationship, the list goes on.....DO IT NOW!
Just say "Yes, Lord."
Your situation, your feelings, your hurt won't be fixed in the snap of a finger. Neither does He promise that. His promise to you is that in obeying, you will heal, learn, grow. Sometimes obedience is simply waiting while being willing to to obey. Just saying 'Yes, Lord. Have Your way, Lord." is obedience.
Trust Him "with the measure of faith God has given you" Romans 12:3 Even small faith moves to action. Saying 'yes' and being willing to do His will, willing to be used for His great plan, is action. He wants to know you want to obey. Don't fear the thing He's asking you to do. You can be assured that He won't let you come to nothing! He won't let you become destroyed! He will gift you with more and greater faith with each next step in His great plan for your life! (Eph2:8)
So trust Him! Do not be a sluggard!
Slow obedience is no obedience.
Take the first step of faith and say "Yes, Lord."
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31 days in Proverbs
proverbs 10
Yes Lord
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Proverbs 9 "Wisdom and Folly"
Ever wonder where wisdom comes from? How to get it?
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" Proverbs 9:10
This verse says the fear of the Lord is where it begins.
OK. Not fear of the Lord as in being scared of Him, but rather as we read in Proverbs 8:13;
"To fear the Lord is to hate evil."
How simply put! It doesn't get more understandable than that.
To hate evil is to "hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech." Proverbs 8:13
To hate those qualities is where wisdom starts.
Let's take a look at the opposite of wisdom: foolishness. In today's reading we were introduced to the woman Folly. "The woman Folly is loud; she is undisciplined and without knowledge." Proverbs 9:13 The complete opposite of yesterdays prude, which we also read more of today in verses 1-6. Woman Folly is loud, obnoxious, has no moral direction and not smart.
Remember how we read in Proverbs 1, that throughout Proverbs the word 'simple' generally denotes one without moral direction? Well, this woman Folly actually invites immoral company into her house, saying "Let all who are simple come in here!" Poverbs 9:16 Very bluntly, she is an immoral, dumb woman who loves the ways of death and destruction.
When we fear the Lord and hate evil, we have the promise that our "days will be many, and years will be added to [our] life." Proverbs 9:11 What a great promise!
Let's close with the next verse (v.12),
"If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you;
if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer."
Lord, thank you for Your great promises. Thank you for Your wisdom. Father teach us of Your wisdom. Give us a desire to hate all evil, but first the evil in ourselves lest we think more of ourselves than we should. Lord, let us not invite immorality into our homes like the woman Folly does, but rather fill our hearts and our homes with Your goodness, Your love, Your presence so that all who know us, all who hear us speak and all who come through our homes may know that we love You. Amen.
31 days in Proverbs
fear the Lord
proverbs 9
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Proverbs 8 "Be A Prude"
While Proverbs was written to gain wisdom as we learned in Proverbs 1, today we read
"I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion." Pr.8:18
So often 'prudence', root word being 'prude', is used in a negative light. We've all heard, "Don't be a prude." Over the years, words such as 'prude' and 'prudence' have lost their popularity and value. Let's find a better understanding of the word.
Prudence is having the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason. Synonyms of prudence are good judgement, self control, common sense, forethought, etc. All of which are desirable qualities in all of the human race.
The root word is 'prude'. A prude is a person who is concerned with decorum or propriety. While today being called a prude is not a compliment, it wasn't so in the 1600-1700s. Traditionally, it was associated with wisdom, integrity, usefulness & profit.
So what happened that these words have lost their popularity, and their understanding has become demeaning? I believe, plain and simply, the decline of moral values.
In all honesty, I believe God loves prudes. Not only does He love them, He's calling us to be one. God condones morality, modesty, self control, good judgment, wisdom, all good qualities. In fact He is all good qualities, so might I suggest, our God is prude. He invites us to be imitators of Him as dearly beloved children saying,
"among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality or any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking...For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure, or greedy person...has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God." Galations5:1-5
Doesn't this sound like God encourages a life of prudence?
Now, let's get this straight! Being a prude does not mean God expects us to be a tight-lipped, rigid person. It just means you are concerned with decorum and therefore practice selfcontrol.
Being prude means you are a wise, well-disciplined, teachable, thoughtful, morality practicing person on a mission to claim his/her inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God! What a privilege this should be to us! What a joy! That joy will not cause us to be unhappy, unsmiling and cold, but rather warm, smiling, inviting, gentle and loving to all those around us.
Let's be a bit more of a prude today! It's OK! It's downright beautiful to our Lord!
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31 days in Proverbs
Faithul Feat
Proverbs 8
Monday, January 6, 2014
Proverbs 7 "Tablet of my Heart"
"...keep my words and store up my commands
within you. Keep my commands and you will live;
guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.
Bind them on your fingers; write them on the
tablet of your heart." Pr.7:1-4
Throughout scripture we read the promise of life when we obey the Lord's commands. Deuteronomy 30, holds this promise three times.
"The Lord will again delight in you and make you
prosperous...if you obey the Lord your God
and keep His commands." Deut. 30:9-10
"love the Lord you God, to walk in His ways, and
to keep His commands, decrees and laws;
then you will live..." Deut.30:16
"I have set before you life and death,
blessings and curses. Now choose life,
so that you and your children may live." Deut.30:19
Solomon tells his son to keep his teachings as the apple of his eye. When something is dear to us, whether good or bad, it becomes who we are; our very life. Let's keep God's words as the apple of our eye and store up His commands and promises within us so that His "word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart." (Deut.30:14, Romans10:8) Also, so we can "always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have." 1Peter3:15
The best way to write God's word on the tablet of our heart is to read His word every day and yes, memorize scripture. I find this to be a tough one. Doable but tough, and a bit overwhelming! I mean, where do I start?!!
My New Years resolution is to memorize one verse or some section of scripture each month. So, by the end of the year, I will have 12 new things written on the tablet of my heart. Doesn't sound too hard, right? Here's my game plan! Feel free to join - I need motivation and accountability!
~ Set small goals. One verse a month! I can do this!
~Print out that verse and other verses. Tape them to areas I see regularly, then be intentional about reading them over and over.
~Hang a framed verse on the wall. Or update/add to the collections I already have in my home. Not only are these being written on my heart, but also on the hearts of my family! This thrills me!
~Practice the verses while driving. Chant it & do the head bang if it helps! :)
~Make up a tune for the verse & belt it out in the shower! ...OK, maybe, that's going a bit too far, but sounds fun to me! :)
Deuteronomy 30:20 says "For the Lord is your life", and Colossians 3:4 reads of "Christ, who is your life." Let's keep Him as such by keeping Him as the apple of our eye, and continuously 'storing up' something new on the tablet of our heart!
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