Here is another post about joy that the wonderful ladies over at Blogs By Christian Women have agreed to publish.
Whether you're in a dark place now or have been for a while, I pray you will be encouraged by this post. I went through a time a few weeks ago where I found very little joy in anything. Thus all the writings about joy.
I hope you take the time to read the fourth & final "Joy Muscles" writing, and indulge in reading other encouraging posts by Christian women.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
Celebrating Motherhood Monday: 5 Verses to Pray Over Your Children (in prayer format)
The greatest influence a mother can have on her children's lives lies in the power of prayer.
Yet we tend to underestimate it. Due to the busy days of a mom, we often revert to reciting and mumbling through payers at mealtimes and bedtimes. Throughout the day we lift short prayers of desperation like these,
"Lord, I need patience in about half a second."
"Father, give me grace."
"Jesus, protect them from harm today."
"Jesus, heal my child."
Many times as I collapse into bed, exhausted, I've uttered the prayer, "Lord, please just make them turn out all right!"
We barely cover the bases.
We question why we need to use precious energy to ask Him for anything. He already knows what we need better than we do, right?
We take on the mindset that He doesn't want to hear from us because we don't know how to speak great and fancy 'prayer talk' using thee, thou, thy and thus.
It is true He knows better than we what we need and even before we ask. (Matt.6:8) However, He wants us to bring to Him "all kinds of prayers and requests"! (Eph.6:18) All kinds! Those are His words. Not mine.
We are a mighty force against the enemy of our souls and our children's souls when we purposely place ourselves in the gap, inteceding on their behalf.
So, when it comes to praying for our children, be it a small desperate, yet heartfelt prayer, or a big elaborate prayer with all the thee-ing and thou-ing, we can be sure He hears us and He will mightily answer the prayers of the righteous.
Consider Ezekiel 22:30. I have added my own words in the brackets [ ].
This is the Lord speaking, "I looked for a man[parent] among them who would build up the wall and stand before Me in the gap on behalf of the land[children/future generations] so I would not have to destroy it[them],"
Won't we as mothers, who are told to love our children, (Titus2:4) show the greatest possible love, using the power of prayer to build up a wall around our children to deflect the fiery darts of the enemy? (Eph.6:16)
If we do not take action, and He finds no one to intercede, He will do as He said in the continuation of Ezekiel 22:30-31:
"...but I found none. So, I will pour out my wrath on them [parent/child] and consume them [parent/child] with my fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord."
Sobering. Very, very sobering.
May you and I bravely stand in the gap, fully "convinced that He is able to guard what I [we] have entrusted to Him for that day" (2Tim.1:12) and every day.
Below, I have shared 5 verses and scripture sections to pray over your children.
There are numerous interceding scripture lists on other sites, so I tried to stick to some you may be less accustomed with to freshen it up and keep it less habitual. I've added bracket words and made the 5 verses into one continuing prayer. Afterwards, I encourage you to look them up in your Bible.
Let's fight the good fight, dear mothers! May you and your children be blessed!
1. Micah 6:8...Lord, I pray my children will always know what You require of them: "To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your[their] God."
2. Isaiah 54:13-14...I release them to You, Jesus, declaring, "All your sons[my children] will be taught by the Lord, and great will be your[my] children's peace. In righteousness you[they] will be established."
3.Jeremiah 32:38-40 KJV...Father, may You say of them, "They will be my people, and I will be their God. I will give them one heart and one way, that they my fear Me for ever, for the good of them, and of their children after them:...I will not turn away from them,...but I will put my fear in their hearts that they shall not depart from Me."
4. Isaiah 49:25...May You do as You promise when You say, "I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children will I save." (here 'save' means salvation, protection, healing, comfort, etc.)
5. Psalm 119:109-112...And when they are grown, Lord, may they boldly proclaim to You,"I will not forget Your law. ...I have not strayed from Your precepts. Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart. My heart is set on keeping Your decrees to the very end."
And all the mothers, with a resounding voice, said... "Amen!"
Don't forget to follow Faithful Feat on Facebook and Twitter!
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The Life of Faith
Yet we tend to underestimate it. Due to the busy days of a mom, we often revert to reciting and mumbling through payers at mealtimes and bedtimes. Throughout the day we lift short prayers of desperation like these,
"Lord, I need patience in about half a second."
"Father, give me grace."
"Jesus, protect them from harm today."
"Jesus, heal my child."
Many times as I collapse into bed, exhausted, I've uttered the prayer, "Lord, please just make them turn out all right!"
We barely cover the bases.
We question why we need to use precious energy to ask Him for anything. He already knows what we need better than we do, right?
We take on the mindset that He doesn't want to hear from us because we don't know how to speak great and fancy 'prayer talk' using thee, thou, thy and thus.
It is true He knows better than we what we need and even before we ask. (Matt.6:8) However, He wants us to bring to Him "all kinds of prayers and requests"! (Eph.6:18) All kinds! Those are His words. Not mine.
We are a mighty force against the enemy of our souls and our children's souls when we purposely place ourselves in the gap, inteceding on their behalf.
So, when it comes to praying for our children, be it a small desperate, yet heartfelt prayer, or a big elaborate prayer with all the thee-ing and thou-ing, we can be sure He hears us and He will mightily answer the prayers of the righteous.
Consider Ezekiel 22:30. I have added my own words in the brackets [ ].
This is the Lord speaking, "I looked for a man[parent] among them who would build up the wall and stand before Me in the gap on behalf of the land[children/future generations] so I would not have to destroy it[them],"
Won't we as mothers, who are told to love our children, (Titus2:4) show the greatest possible love, using the power of prayer to build up a wall around our children to deflect the fiery darts of the enemy? (Eph.6:16)
If we do not take action, and He finds no one to intercede, He will do as He said in the continuation of Ezekiel 22:30-31:
"...but I found none. So, I will pour out my wrath on them [parent/child] and consume them [parent/child] with my fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord."
Sobering. Very, very sobering.
May you and I bravely stand in the gap, fully "convinced that He is able to guard what I [we] have entrusted to Him for that day" (2Tim.1:12) and every day.
Below, I have shared 5 verses and scripture sections to pray over your children.
There are numerous interceding scripture lists on other sites, so I tried to stick to some you may be less accustomed with to freshen it up and keep it less habitual. I've added bracket words and made the 5 verses into one continuing prayer. Afterwards, I encourage you to look them up in your Bible.
Let's fight the good fight, dear mothers! May you and your children be blessed!
1. Micah 6:8...Lord, I pray my children will always know what You require of them: "To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your[their] God."
2. Isaiah 54:13-14...I release them to You, Jesus, declaring, "All your sons[my children] will be taught by the Lord, and great will be your[my] children's peace. In righteousness you[they] will be established."
3.Jeremiah 32:38-40 KJV...Father, may You say of them, "They will be my people, and I will be their God. I will give them one heart and one way, that they my fear Me for ever, for the good of them, and of their children after them:...I will not turn away from them,...but I will put my fear in their hearts that they shall not depart from Me."
4. Isaiah 49:25...May You do as You promise when You say, "I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children will I save." (here 'save' means salvation, protection, healing, comfort, etc.)
5. Psalm 119:109-112...And when they are grown, Lord, may they boldly proclaim to You,"I will not forget Your law. ...I have not strayed from Your precepts. Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart. My heart is set on keeping Your decrees to the very end."
And all the mothers, with a resounding voice, said... "Amen!"
Don't forget to follow Faithful Feat on Facebook and Twitter!
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The Life of Faith
Monday, February 17, 2014
Celebrating Motherhood Monday: Come Play With Us
Today I had an agenda. It went something like this: breakfast, laundry, homeschool, early lunch, kids nap, then I would have a blissful three hours of silence to read and study God's word. I desperately wanted to spend some time with Abigail of 1 Samuel 25.
All went as planned, with kids either sleeping or in bed by 1 o'clock. I got settled in with Abigail, a few other readings about her and a cup of coffee.
Half an hour later Little E woke up.
Upon hearing their brother, C and L made an appearance. (I had fed them chicken noodle soup in hopes to further induce sleep....not happening, mom!)
I knew there was no way any of their cheerful faces would get anywhere near sleep. There was simply no more quiet to be found.
Half an hour later, daddy came home. For a brief minute I dared hope to run to a quiet room while he took care of the kids. But, by the time I had filled requests for snacks, he, C and L had made big plans of playing wii.
Excitedly and hopefully they asked if I wanted join them.
I looked at my forsaken pile of literature.
Then my gaze shifted to my four favorite people.
After a moment, I tentatively said, "Suuure. I'll play with you."
(photo credit: have seen on Shutterstock)
We played wii for three hours. Competitive spirits came out very loud and very strong. There were tears, frustrations and poor sports to be dealt with. There was bragging, jealousy, pouting, and injustices hollered out. There was jumping, victory dancing and squealing. There were near collisions of wii remotes with Little E's head. And did I mention loud?
But in all the drama, there was a unity. In the close confines of our living room there was an extra sense of togetherness. A tie that binds.
There was laughing, cheering and smiling. There was love, acceptance, belonging, encouragement, happiness, learning and helping.
There was fun. Lots and lots and lots of fun as we did family.
I would have missed all that, had I pursued my all important agenda.
You see, In the split second before I reluctantly said yes to playing, I realized I might one day wish I had said no to Abigail. She'd wait till tomorrow. Her story wouldn't change. But I had the opportunity to change today's story and build on our families legacy.
I wonder if you too, have an Abigail that needs to be put back on the shelf for now, to allow time for engagements of priceless, spontaneous moments with family?
Don't forget to follow Faithful Feat on Facebook and Twitter!
Shared With.....
My Joy Filled Life
All went as planned, with kids either sleeping or in bed by 1 o'clock. I got settled in with Abigail, a few other readings about her and a cup of coffee.
Half an hour later Little E woke up.
Upon hearing their brother, C and L made an appearance. (I had fed them chicken noodle soup in hopes to further induce sleep....not happening, mom!)
I knew there was no way any of their cheerful faces would get anywhere near sleep. There was simply no more quiet to be found.
Half an hour later, daddy came home. For a brief minute I dared hope to run to a quiet room while he took care of the kids. But, by the time I had filled requests for snacks, he, C and L had made big plans of playing wii.
Excitedly and hopefully they asked if I wanted join them.
I looked at my forsaken pile of literature.
Then my gaze shifted to my four favorite people.
After a moment, I tentatively said, "Suuure. I'll play with you."
(photo credit: have seen on Shutterstock)
We played wii for three hours. Competitive spirits came out very loud and very strong. There were tears, frustrations and poor sports to be dealt with. There was bragging, jealousy, pouting, and injustices hollered out. There was jumping, victory dancing and squealing. There were near collisions of wii remotes with Little E's head. And did I mention loud?
But in all the drama, there was a unity. In the close confines of our living room there was an extra sense of togetherness. A tie that binds.
There was laughing, cheering and smiling. There was love, acceptance, belonging, encouragement, happiness, learning and helping.
There was fun. Lots and lots and lots of fun as we did family.
I would have missed all that, had I pursued my all important agenda.
You see, In the split second before I reluctantly said yes to playing, I realized I might one day wish I had said no to Abigail. She'd wait till tomorrow. Her story wouldn't change. But I had the opportunity to change today's story and build on our families legacy.
I wonder if you too, have an Abigail that needs to be put back on the shelf for now, to allow time for engagements of priceless, spontaneous moments with family?
Don't forget to follow Faithful Feat on Facebook and Twitter!
Shared With.....
My Joy Filled Life
Monday, February 10, 2014
Celebrating Motherhood Monday: Let Us Wash Dishes
Last night at 7 o'clock, I was done. Exhausted.
I desperately wanted to crawl to bed, collapse into the softness of St. Mattress and listen to the whisperings of Captain Pillow, while drifting off to a world of sweet, sweet rest.
But, here's the reality:
Due to extremely cold weather, the kids and I had been cooped up inside all day. I had a splitting headache, which pills wouldn't help, and because of loud chaotic rowdiness it wasn't going anywhere soon.
At the aforementioned time, we were finishing up a very late supper, which included a mind boggling discussion which is not to be related. Oh, the questions kids ask!
After the meal, seven year old C and five year old L, asked to help with the dishes...ASKED!
Why, absolutely, my dears! The dishwasher is empty! Enlighten yourselves!
C responded with,"No, mom, we don't want to put them in the dishwasher. We want to WASH them."
I was a little annoyed at her response, then I realized she wanted to wash them by hand in a mound of suds.
It would have taken 5 minutes to stack the dishes in the dishwasher. It was going to take 20 minutes to wash by hand, mop up the pool of water on the floor, keep little E out of the mess, deal with sopping wet kids and listen to their squeals of delight, all while having this relentless headache.
I desperately wanted them to stack the dishes in the dishwasher. Desperately.
Then daddy piped up from the couch, "Sure, girls! That's a great idea!"
I gritted my teeth wanting to ask, "Do you plan to help?"
But, I didn't. Because in that split second, I knew he was right. It was a good idea.
Why squish helpful hearts? Why not let them experience the fulfillment of serving others? Why not let them bless me in their own special way?
So, they did dishes by hand. They got soaked. My kitchen floor around the sink could have qualified for a splash pad. Little E, teetering on a stool, stretching onto his tippy-toes, peeping over the sink edge, managed to dump water in his face. Suds went flying causing gales of giggles and shrieks.
With head pounding, I tried to smile, every once in a while thanking them for their helpfulness. Praising their cheerful attitudes. Encouraging willing hands. Turning a blind eye to the fact that not all the dishes were clean.
Somewhere in all that loud wet mess, I realized this is a precious time.
This is a beautiful moment.
This is family.
This is home.
This is love.
Soak it up, mama!
Don't forget to follow Faithful Feat on Facebook and Twitter!
Honored to share at A Mama's Story.
I desperately wanted to crawl to bed, collapse into the softness of St. Mattress and listen to the whisperings of Captain Pillow, while drifting off to a world of sweet, sweet rest.
But, here's the reality:
Due to extremely cold weather, the kids and I had been cooped up inside all day. I had a splitting headache, which pills wouldn't help, and because of loud chaotic rowdiness it wasn't going anywhere soon.
At the aforementioned time, we were finishing up a very late supper, which included a mind boggling discussion which is not to be related. Oh, the questions kids ask!
After the meal, seven year old C and five year old L, asked to help with the dishes...ASKED!
Why, absolutely, my dears! The dishwasher is empty! Enlighten yourselves!
C responded with,"No, mom, we don't want to put them in the dishwasher. We want to WASH them."
I was a little annoyed at her response, then I realized she wanted to wash them by hand in a mound of suds.
It would have taken 5 minutes to stack the dishes in the dishwasher. It was going to take 20 minutes to wash by hand, mop up the pool of water on the floor, keep little E out of the mess, deal with sopping wet kids and listen to their squeals of delight, all while having this relentless headache.
I desperately wanted them to stack the dishes in the dishwasher. Desperately.
Then daddy piped up from the couch, "Sure, girls! That's a great idea!"
I gritted my teeth wanting to ask, "Do you plan to help?"
But, I didn't. Because in that split second, I knew he was right. It was a good idea.
Why squish helpful hearts? Why not let them experience the fulfillment of serving others? Why not let them bless me in their own special way?
So, they did dishes by hand. They got soaked. My kitchen floor around the sink could have qualified for a splash pad. Little E, teetering on a stool, stretching onto his tippy-toes, peeping over the sink edge, managed to dump water in his face. Suds went flying causing gales of giggles and shrieks.
With head pounding, I tried to smile, every once in a while thanking them for their helpfulness. Praising their cheerful attitudes. Encouraging willing hands. Turning a blind eye to the fact that not all the dishes were clean.
Somewhere in all that loud wet mess, I realized this is a precious time.
This is a beautiful moment.
This is family.
This is home.
This is love.
Soak it up, mama!
Don't forget to follow Faithful Feat on Facebook and Twitter!
Honored to share at A Mama's Story.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
When Mama Ain't Happy
When mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy, So daddy's gonna make mama happy tonight....
Tracy Byrd sings a song that goes like that, and that's exactly what my husband did for me! Oh, the excitement of date night! A few hours of just me and my husband! Sweet bliss!
But, the event that took place that evening was anything other than sweet or blissful.
I shared the rest of the story with Michelle at Letters For My Littles. You can read it here.
Afterwards, come back and follow Faithful Feat on Facebook and Twitter!
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