Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Protecting Your Husbands Heart: Part 3

Welcome to Day 3 of Protecting Your Husbands Heart series! Do you remember what an "ezer kenegdo" is? 

I wonder what your thoughts and feelings were reading those truths? I'd so love to chat with you over steaming mugs of coffee!

I hope you are being encouraged by this little adventure. Heart hugs to you! 

3. Evaluate your friendships.

The surest way to destroy trust in any relationship is relaying to others what was said or done in confidence.

Keep what your husband tells you to yourself within the confines of your relationship. Neither discuss your private intimate life with your circle of friends.

Your husband needs to have confidence that its OK to be human around his wife. His heart cannot safely trust in her if he is worried she will demean or degrade his name.

Today evaluate your friendships. Are they upbuilding?

If your dialog with your friends includes talking about what a dunce your husband, or their husband is, it's time to find new friends.

"A gossip betrays a confidence;
so avoid a [wo]man who talks too much."
~Proverbs 13:20~

Dear wife, you may think you won't fall into the trap of degrading or gossiping about your husband. But, far too often we grow to become like the people we hang out with. Let's grow wisely. Not bitterly.

"He who walks with wise grows wise."
~Proverbs 20:19~

Neither should a wife cultivate relationships with other men. However innocent it may be, a wise woman leaves no room for her husbands heart to wonder, be concerned or doubtful.

Neither does an "ezer kenegdo" display her body to others by dressing immodestly. But rather, she is clothed with decency and propriety. (1 Timothy 2:9) Her body is sacred. A gift for her husbands eyes only. In keeping it as such, he finds her trustworthy and all the more beautiful. 

Today, pray over your friendships, asking God to reveal anything not glorifying to Him. Then, wisely start removing any unhealthy influences, be it the circle of friends whom you talk to regularly, or on social media.

Protect your husbands heart by helping him build a confidence that you value your commitment to him more than any other earthly friendship.


Be encouraged!
Be inspired!

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for your heart!
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You might also like:
I'm a WHAT?
Protecting Your Husbands Heart: Part 2
Protecting Your Husbands Heart: Part 4


  1. Kaylene, This is great! One of the ways I've learned to bless Rev over the years is to only speak well of him when I speak to others. Now, it's pretty easy. He really is wonderful. But he tells me how much he loves that I lift him up when I'm talking to my friends.

  2. I learned this the hard way but it's one that I won't forget again. "Neither should a wife cultivate relationships with other men. However innocent it may be, a wise woman leaves no room for her husbands heart to wonder, be concerned or doubtful."
